Register to take part in a study today


Our Research helps those struggling with memory impairment

For many, the hope of personal health benefit is their main or only reason for taking part. This might include getting a new drug or treatment they thought might help them; learning more about their condition; being screened (hoping either to be reassured or to get an early diagnosis); the chance of getting access to care they felt would be better or more specialised; or faster access to care. Some people added that they took part for their own interest or curiosity.

Register for yourself or on behalf of someone else to take part

Please select the relevant pre-screener

Alzheimer’s Pre - Screener
Parkinson’s Pre - Screener

Dementia Resources

Dementia is a word we give to a set of symptoms affecting different aspects of thinking and brain function. It is a progressive disorder that affects how the brain works and in particular, the ability to remember, think and reason. The symptoms get worse over time and affect the way we live our lives.

Browse the categories below to read through our resources:
